I was guest speaker at the Sheffield M.E. AGM in May 2013. My talk was aimed at M.E. and Fibromyalgia and included: the effects of harmful gut bacteria and benefits of Probiotics; enzymes; deficiency of digestive enzymes and
ways of increasing enzymes naturally; the burden of gluten; and ways of boosting energy and stamina. You can read an amended transcript here.
An article about my Combination Approach was in the March
2006 FaMily Magazine. Read it here.
The Nottingham and East Midlands Fibromyalgia Support
Group asked me to prepare a document for the health professionals at the
Medical Convention at the NEC in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please email
me if you are a health professional and would like to read this
document in full. Please state your occupation, location and interest in
I was guest speaker at the Nottingham and East Midlands
Fibromyalgia Support Group in January and November 2006.
I was guest speaker at the Sheffield Fibromyalgia
Support Group in May 2006 and September 2007.
I was invited to be guest speaker at the Regional
Fibromyalgia Conference in Hull, in September 2006.
I spoke to several groups of medical professionals who have
an interest in FMS and CFS in Derby, Nottingham and Sheffield.
I have had references to my treatment in Newspaper
and Health Magazine articles on Fibromyalgia.
I was guest speaker at the APPG on Fibromyalgia at
the House of Commons in May 2007.
"I no longer feel out of control, misunderstood or
afraid." Read more testimonials...

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